In Madrid, need the best dentist for the money, advice needed.

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16 Nov 2021 7:46 AM by DaveDogge Star rating. 4 posts Send private message

In summary, I am late 40s, due to lack of going to the dentist, my teeth grinding has really worn down my teeth, my 4 lower incisors are almost like nubs, worn down to the gum almost (I believe the condition is called Bruxism).

I want to a largish family ran dentists in central Madrid where I live recommended to me by Spanish friends and I was a surprised at the extent of the work required i.e. a bridge for the four lower incisors (fair enough) but then gold crowns fused with porcelain at the side for ALL my molars. I thought my molars were fine but I was informed that introdcing the bridge for the 4 lower front incisors would create a vertical height gap at the back molars and this is no good as the food would go from the back to the front and ruin any work done to the front; I was also quoted for veneer for the top incisors which would have cosmetic and some structural benefits. The entire job was quoted at 31.5K euros ... a shock basically.

Now Spain has a recent bad history of dentists particularly in the last 6-7s year with most dental practice which are 'chain franchises' either going bankrupt / shutting down due to fraud at the top level coupled with numerous patient horror stories of botched jobs and half completed jobs where they will not continue to treat the patient for 'whatever' reason.

How sub par dentists / incompetent dentists have been allowed into these practices in what is one of the most regulated European countries with stuff admin and officious people is beyond me ... I am talking about Dentix, iDent, FunnyDent (yes really, this was shut don due to fraud at the top level), Vitaldent etc. It's not just the fraud at the top level in those establishments, it's the stories of incompetance and malpractice with the actual dental work that frightens me.

So, I am doing the sensible thing and going to see various dentists in central madrid to compare the diagnosis not just the quote for the work that they're giving, if their treatment plans vary drastically then I will investigate further but if they're the same, I will pick whichever I think is best.

This is where I ask you, how do I pick the best dentist ?, I don't know them personally and I'm not sure I trust Google Reviews much. Is there a dentists review forum somewhere for Madrid dentists ? I went on forocoches forums and there was interesting advice on not getting defrauded by Spanish dentists but I couldn't find anything on particular stories good or bad of dental clinics in Madrid.  I mean there is a dental practice 20 seconds work from my front door in a posh part of central Madrid and it has a terrible reputation even on Google reviews. It's a minefield and a like a lottery.

Note that I am not willing to travel out of Madrid for treatment, the original dentist informed me it was a 6 month long procedure.

thanks in advance for any advice. 


This message was last edited by DaveDogge on 11/16/2021.

This message was last edited by DaveDogge on 11/16/2021.

This message was last edited by DaveDogge on 11/16/2021.

This message was last edited by DaveDogge on 11/16/2021.

This message was last edited by DaveDogge on 11/16/2021.

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01 Sep 2024 4:12 PM by Fozycrozy Star rating. 1 posts Send private message

I’d suggest looking into local dental forums or community groups for firsthand reviews. Personal stories from others can give you a clearer picture.

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01 Sep 2024 4:18 PM by xddarkx Star rating. 1 posts Send private message

I went through something similar a few years ago. I had some major dental work planned and was shocked at the costs and recommendations from the first dentist. Like you, I did my homework—got second opinions and compared treatment plans.One thing that really helped was checking with local forums and asking friends for recommendations. Sometimes, you can find hidden gems or get real experiences from people in your area. For instance, there's a place near me, Implant Dentistry in Lake County OH, that came highly recommended, and they were great with detailed consultations and honest opinions.

This message was last edited by xddarkx on 9/3/2024.

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