Spanish Banks??!!

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20 Feb 2023 3:22 PM by iznalloz Star rating. 25 posts Send private message


Can anyone out there recommend a decent bank in Spain that doesn't legally rob you a minimum four times per year?  At least that's how it feels!  

Many moons ago we were spoilt when we held a Halifax bank account in Spain, with no charges whatsoever because we banked with them in the UK. But as per usual all good things come to an end and when it did we were transferred to Sabadell.  They are currently charging us approximately 260+ euros per year!  We don't live there and so only use our debit card to pay Spanish bills online and we use it when we visit once, maybe twice per year.

We used to have a debit card each, but when we realised we were being charged 'maintenance charges' every year per card, we cancelled one and we are currently charged 30 euros for the one card 'maintenance.'  I'm still to be advised of what the actual card 'maintenance' consists of!

Are there any banks in Spain that are a little less greedy, or are we, as long as we hold a bank account there, to be constantly held to ransom? ( Dick Turpin constantly flashes through my mind!!)

Any helpful advice would be much appreciated!

Many thanks,


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20 Feb 2023 5:46 PM by nitram Star rating in castalla. 176 posts Send private message

Welcome to Spain.Think you will find all banks in Spain  have charges, is it free banking in the UK now (many years since i held a UK bank account) don´t know any bank that gives free banking these days  

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22 Feb 2023 8:45 PM by Marksfish Star rating in Vera, Almeria. 2624 posts Send private message

Marksfish´s avatar

There was a thread on here a few years ago about using Transferwise, or Wise as they are now called. You can get a virtual account to set up your direct debits, debit card and stuff, with a Spanish IBAN. I keep meaning to change over to it, but haven't got all my direct debit beneficiaries details handy.We are with Sabadell at the moment and our fees are 40€ per quarter.

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25 Feb 2023 6:36 PM by neatrees Star rating in Vera Playa. 65 posts Send private message

Openbank, which is Santander's online bank. There are no bank charges because everything is done through an app on your phone or laptop. We have been with them for 4 years and no bank charges. The app has a lot of functionalities in order to manage your finances. I either email or whatsapp them if I have any questions.

Regards Neil

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19 Mar 2024 7:36 AM by Faingentine Star rating. 1 posts Send private message

Thank you for the guided post share.


This message was last edited by Faingentine on 3/20/2024.

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19 Mar 2025 10:41 AM by OmarWorkman Star rating. 1 posts Send private message

Hi there!

I totally understand your frustration with bank fees in Spain; it can definitely feel overwhelming! While I can’t recommend a specific bank, there are a few options you might consider that are known for being more google baseball customer-friendly, especially for non-residents. So, before making any decisions, I recommend comparing the specific offerings of each bank. 

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