Security in the Costa Blanca Area is just pure common sense.
Just like anywhere else in Spain or the UK for that matter.
Just be aware that there are always opportunist thieves, who will prey on new properties, all over the world.
Owners who have just bought are unlikely to have given a second thought to security at the moving in stage.
They are too excited to be in their dream home at last.
The vino flows, emotions are heightened, and security is the last thing on your mind.
You may have considerable amounts of cash in your home to pay builders, buy furniture, get the white goods in, etc., etc.,
You won't have a safe fitted as yet............ so sleep with that cash in your grubby little hands, under the matress or in your jock strap!
Just be alert, keep safe, just as you would in the UK.................
Spain is no differnt, it's YOU that is different, the thieves are the same, all over the world!