maria l de castro can you please advise me.? ive already wrote a post on here concerning repossesion. ill just remind you, ,, i own a hose outright, no mortgage, two years ago i bought another one with a 100% mortgage, i owe 217000, the house is only now worth about 178000, im finding it hard to pay the mortgage as it has gone up so much, no one explained to me i was on a three year tier system, so it has gone up evry year, then with the intrest hike,need i say more?? yes i know ive been a bloody fool but i thought i would be able to rent it out all year......not!!! i expect there is hundreds in this position and the banks must be quite embarresed about the amount of reposessions. my quetion is, if i sell my home i own outright and send the money back to uk will they chase it up? what would happen if i done a runner? like lots of people i know have, how can i get out of this? i never thought i would find myself in this possition at my age, im so upset it has come to this, ive never done anything criminal, but i find the banks here very rude and not at all understanding, what woild happen if i just gave the keys back? can someone legal answer this as ive seen similar quetions on other forums so it must effect a lot of people, thats the only thing that keeps me going, knowing there are others in the same boat