HOUSE IN SPAIN - CHANNEL 4 - 12.30 til 13.30 uk time
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I've just watched the programme following up on the adventures of Lee and Cheryl, the couple who wanted to run a snail farm.
I haven't laughed so much in ages.
Continuing tomorrow same time.
You could've told me before it started Semi, not after it finished.
It says it's a repeat so I would've seen it. Very funny that couple are. I remember the one when Cheryl as 50 in Spain & Lee came out of their rented place late morning to welcome the interviewer & Lee said, with his usual humour, "I've just made love to a 50 yr old woman !" & Cheryl suddenly wandered out of the house looking all sheepish. 
We were just talking about updates on all those a couple of weeks ago on here, weren't we ? This message was last edited by morerosado on 2/28/2008.
I missed it. Just saw the post here.
 Yes so did I, do not have tv on lunchtimes unless something interesting is on, but I would have watched that. Will remember tomorrow Thanks  Pat
Sorry all, laptop not working at moment and I didn't want to miss any of it by using this desktop.
In my paper it just mentioned the title not the content.
After tomorrows instalment I'll fill you in on all the funny bits they miss out.
Just a thought but what about Channel4 + 1.
Could've tuned into SKY Ch 4+1 (CH 135) 2 - 2.30pm  Same prog.
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