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Hi all, finally making the move after nearly five years (bought the place off plan in June 2003).
We're gonna drive over from Plymoth to Santander with our 4 month old but I'm worried that there's something I've not thought about.
I'll keep the insurance and registration docs in the glove compartment but is there something else that I need to do to the car before we leave?
Any input would be appreciated.
Hi Eva,
Congratulations on your move. I hope all goes well.
For you journey you will need,as you said all cars regestration doc's. You will also need replacement bulbs,warning triangle, high vis jackets and if you wear glasses for driving a spare pair of those as well.These are all required by law. I can't think of anything else if I do I'll come back to you.
All the best
_______________________ Sterling
Thanks Sterling. Counting down the days now. Next stop, bookt the ferry!
Hi Eva
We are driving over on Tuesday and have a box of stuff to take in the car. My understanding is you need a reflective jacker for each person travelling in the car (although I have read somewhere you need one for each seat in the car e.g. 5 seater car, 5 jackets even if only ever 2 of you in the car - but don't know how true that is, we are only taking 2). You should also carry your drivers licence with you.
This is the list from Justin's article on driving in Spain
- Two warning triangles
- A spare tyre and tools
- A set of bulbs,
- A reflective jacket
- Spare glasses (if the driver wears them).
Have you had your healights converted or are you using the stick on ones?
We're taking the Plymouth to Santander ferry on Wednesday.
Hope your trip goes really well, we are hoping for a calm sailing, although Neil & I don'thave problems sailing, we're not sure how the dogs will be.
Jacqui our adventure from deciding to move to Spain to being here and moving back to the UK.
Hi Eva,
Have you travelled from Plymouth to Santander before? We've always been put off that route by people who have done it beacuse the crossing is supposed to be arduous and expensive. I would be interested to know your opinion
We take the hoverspeed from Dover to Bolougne with speedferries which costs about £38.00 and travel down to Almeria that takes us about 36hours door to door.
_______________________ Sterling
Just had a thought Jacqui, isn't there a law that says dogs also need a hi vis vest ? 

Trust you More!!!!!
I did read somewhere that you need a visi vest for everyone that may need to walk along the highway, so it looks like we'll have to carry the pups if we break down!
We haven't driven down before, always flown, this will be the first trip with the dogs. The ferry has cost us £342, that includes a cabin and kennelling the dogs. It's a 19 hour sail over night and I wouldn't do it without a cabin for a good nights sleep. Then we are driving across to Teruel on Thursday and staying overnight and finishing the trip down the east coast on the friday. I have restricted the driving time to about 6 hours each day as I have problems with my spine and more than that would cause me a lot of pain.
As far as we are concerned the adventure starts when we lock the door to the house in Sheffield, not when we arrive at our destination in Spain, so the ferry crossing is all part of the adventure(it may be a good part, it may not.) We then also get to see parts of Spain on the drive down that we probably wouldn't otherwise get to see.
I think I'm starting to get excited!!
Jacqui our adventure from deciding to move to Spain to being here and moving back to the UK.
I think I'm starting to get excited!!
And SO YOU SHOULD BE ! I'm excited for you as your posts & your blog are so descriptive, Jacqui. I feel I'm travelling with you. Couldn't decide on my mode of transport, though. Think I made a wrong choice here. 

Hi and thanks for those replies.
I haven't done the drive before and haven't yet booked it, but some friends of ours have done the trip twice and say its a lovely drive!
If we didn't have a 4 month old baby with us, we would have gone for the longer drive through France but I want as little time in the car as possible just in case she gets in a mood with us.
I will pack the car with the bits mentioned so thanks for the advice, cant wait to get out there and leave the 9 to 5 behind.
Eva2008 - don't envy you the trip with a ittle one but good luck it sounds like a wonderful new life. I know you've said you've got insurance but plese make sure you've got breakdown cover.
As I've mentioned before in posts we've been driving down to North Africa for over 30 years but about 6/7 years ago our lovely Discovery broke down in France. It has just been serviced and everything ready for the journey but about 1 hour from Bordeaux the main transmission / drive shaft broke (sorry not mechanical & blonde). Basically if we'd not had AA 5 star Europe cover we'd have been stuck. They estimated that it would cost too much to repair in France and had sent back to England. Because we'd got the cover we were entitled to a hire car for the rest of our holiday - 3 weeks. However because we couldn't take out of Europe spent the time touring Spain and learnt to love it eventually leading to our decision to buy (and hopefully retire). We sold the car to a dealer friend who later told us it had cost him over £1k to repair at trade prices - ouch!
So make sure you're covered for breakdowns!! You want to be able to get to your new home. (And no I don't work for the AA - any company will do)
Thanks Sonia El. I'll defo be getting breakdown cover. I was getting quotes a few months ago and probably will go with the AA as I'm with them in the UK. I'm looking forward to the move but I'm dreading anything going wrong. It's my first drive over let alone with a baby! Must get the air con fixed on the car!!
Hi Sterling
The UK-Bilbao/Santander routes are indeed quite expensive and living in Kent you are so near to Dover I can't see it being worth your while. Personally I find the Spain route a horrendous trial because although I am happy with a book the OH is like a caged lion for the whole duration and it makes it just too stressful for words.