Vocabulary.. clever site, very extensive, gives Spanish v English

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03 Aug 2008 12:00 AM by morerosado Star rating. 6927 posts Send private message

morerosado´s avatar

For instance click on  Vegetales 

ají pepper
ajo garlic
alcaucil artichoke
apio celery
arroz rice
arvejas peas
batata sweet potato
berenjena aubergine
berenjena eggplant
berro watercress
brócoli broccoli
calabacita squash
calabaza pumpkin
cebolla onion
centeno rye
champiñón mushroom
col/repollito de Bruselas Brussels sprouts
col/repollo cabbage
coliflor cauliflower
espárrago asparagus
espinaca spinach
frijoles beans
lechuga lettuce
lentejas lentils
maíz corn
nabo turnip
papa potato
pepino cucumber
pepino pickle
puerro leek
rabanito radish
remolacha beetroot
tomate tomato
trigo wheat
zanahoria carrot
To see kitchen words click Cocina
Abridor Opener
Azucarero Sugar bowl
Batidora Mixer
Cacerola Saucepan
Cuchara Spoon
Cucharilla Teaspoon
Cuchillo Knife
Exprimidor (eléctrico) Juice maker
Fregadero Sink
Frigorífico Fridge; refrigerator
Grifo Tap
Horno Oven
Jarra Jug
Lavaplatos Dishwasher
Microondas Microwave
Olla a presión Pressure cooker
Plato Plate
Sacacorchos Corkscrew
Salero Salt shaker
Sartén Frying-pan
Servilleta Napkin
Tenedor Fork
Vaso Glass
Get the idea ?

This message was last edited by morerosado on 8/3/2008.


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04 Sep 2008 1:38 PM by ericp20 Star rating. 1 posts Send private message

hey, if you do not know how to start, visit h t t p :// freespanish.frenchspanishonline. com it is free with mp3 files! enjoy!

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