The Comments |
Yikes! Just curious - what did you do with it?  (I live on the next urb' from you!)
Are you sure it wasn't an ex REA in disguise?
I videod it too
Click pic, it links to Youtube.
This message was last edited by morerosado on 10/1/2008.
Oh YUK!!!!! What a great little cat. I would have worried that it would get bitten. Was it a venomous snake?
We had garter snakes as pets once when my daughter was small. One morning we found one of them was missing and the dog had been very sick! Work that one out for yourselves.
This sounds awful but I don't mean it to : I'm glad the cat ate it!
I wouldn't worry too much though - I think if Paris had been poisoned she would be ill by now.
Just give her lots of cuddles and tell her how clever she is
well, i'm sorry but i'm on the snakes side. OK to let cats get rid of vermin, but i've no time for a cat that tortures or kills harmless animals, snakes, birds, frogs etc. I realise it's hard for a cat to know or care about the difference. We have a lovely garden of wild birds in spring, because we don't have a cat.
each to own, i realise i'm in the minority on this one!
Goodstich, I don't believe you are in the minority on this one. Rarely do I come across those who agree with anyone/anything that hurts another whatever it is. Unfortunately it's nature for cats to go for birds etc. We have a bird bath in our garden & have all kinds of birds that bath in it then fly into our apple tree & flutter their wings to dry off then often back into the bath. We have a robin that comes, so beautiful.
You cannot believe how shocked and disillusioned I was that my beloved pet was capable of such savage behaviour but like More says it's nature and that is hard for me to accept too. It was the first time(that I am aware of) that she had ever done this to another living creature as I have kept her indoors until recently which some might say is cruel.I have never had cats before so it is all new to me.
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i think cruelty is a part of a cats make up, and as more says, it's in their nature. Some of them do enjoy making creatures suffer the most dreadful injuries before either eating them or leaving them in what must be agony.
As a dog lover, i've never quite been able to really accept that side of cats as ok. As a cat lover, the loving side of their cat must outway the not so nice side, and that's fair enough. We all have our own opinion on what's acceptable i guess.
Fact or Fiction ?
On the subject of these things...has anyone heard of those caterpillars that are around for a few weeks in the spring, that live in or on pine trees that are extremely toxic to children or animals?
Or is someone pulling my leg?
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I wasn't advocating any animal torturing or killing another animal just for fun, but, as has already been pointed out it is in their instinct, just as catching mice and cockroaches etc is.
I too am a dog lover and I am currently teaching my new dog not to chase any other animals, whether it be a cat, dog or large unidentified flying insects! It is not easy as he is still only a puppy and so wants to play with them but I fear he will get hurt!
I think it is easier to train a dog on such things than it is a cat - but I could be wrong!
I don;t like going to any circus, bull-fight etc and would do anything to save an ill or injured animal - but we must remember - animals will be animals!
Hi Pknott,
These caterpillars are far from being a joke. Small dogs and cats can die quite a nasty death if they come into contact with these little buggers ( personal experience ! ).
Humans can also get a very nasty reaction.
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