Acceptability of solid log homes in Spain

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19 Jan 2009 12:00 AM by ivorb Star rating in Durban, East Coast S.... 36 posts Send private message

ivorb´s avatar

Haven't been on for a while, (mainly because we have been in Spain researching our move).  Decision has been pretty well made. We loved it and the weather was perfect. What more do I need to say. We just need to tie up loose ends.  We have found a Timber Log home company located in Knysna in South Africa, that will supply an entire house for under 125,000 euros. We had a look at one and they are amazing. I am talking about a serious house here, some 170 sq metres of accommodation, not a creaky holiday log cabin.  Shipping is probably about 2000 euro. I was wondering about the acceptability of timber homes in Spain, both from a resale point of view and local town planning rules.  It must also be a buyers market in terms of land sales, and the final result will be an incredibly cheap wholly owned home by comparison to purchasing an existing property. Anyone have any thoughts on this idea. Another question. I googled land for sale in Estepona, and came up with two terms. An urban lot and a building lot. Does anyone know the difference between the two. As  always, appreciate all the help given on this forum. It's a wonderful site for valuable info.

Regards, Ivor

Regards, Ivor

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19 Jan 2009 11:06 PM by Rixxy Star rating in San Pedro. 2010 posts Send private message

Rixxy´s avatar

Hi Ivor, you have to be quite careful with log cabins. People used to plonk them on any old land but this is not legal!

If you purcahse a site where you are licensed to build whatever the meterage is of the floor plan, then the plans of the cabin should be submitted as if it were a normal home to the town hall. Once they have stamped your application then you can place the home on the site and have all the services attached. Maria, one of the lawyers on here would be abñle to give you a more indepth answer!

Re the land, it depends on what it is urbanized for and the definition of the building lot! It could be building for a commercial centre only. An urbanized land means you can apply for planning for adwelling. Ask for the nota simples of the proeprties, in Andlaucia if its via an agent then by law they have to provide them, if not you can denounce them to the police. Once you have those anyone reading spanish can translate for you to tell you what you can do, but again a lawyer may be better as they know where to go to delve into the town hall for you. Good luck!


Quite frankly m'dear, I don't give a damn!

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20 Jan 2009 5:55 AM by mariadecastro Star rating in Algeciras (Cadiz). 9418 posts Send private message

mariadecastro´s avatar

PLease have comments below in bold green:



Haven't been on for a while, (mainly because we have been in Spain researching our move).  Decision has been pretty well made. We loved it and the weather was perfect. What more do I need to say. We just need to tie up loose ends.  We have found a Timber Log home company located in Knysna in South Africa, that will supply an entire house for under 125,000 euros. We had a look at one and they are amazing. I am talking about a serious house here, some 170 sq metres of accommodation, not a creaky holiday log cabin.  Shipping is probably about 2000 euro. I was wondering about the acceptability of timber homes in Spain, both from a resale point of view and local town planning rules. They are accepted and subject to  technical legal standards and planning permission as any other house.  It must also be a buyers market in terms of land sales, and the final result will be an incredibly cheap wholly owned home by comparison to purchasing an existing property. Anyone have any thoughts on this idea. Another question. I googled land for sale in Estepona, and came up with two terms. An urban lot and a building lot.  Did you find and d you mean "urbano" and "urbanizable"? Does anyone know the difference between the two. As  always, appreciate all the help given on this forum. It's a wonderful site for valuable info.


Maria L. de Castro, JD, MA



El blog de Maria

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20 Jan 2009 6:30 AM by ivorb Star rating in Durban, East Coast S.... 36 posts Send private message

ivorb´s avatar

Thanks for the advice folks.

Rixxy, we will do this correctly. I am thinking of bringing it with me and using local contractors to erect it. These are my retirement funds on the line here so planning has to be 100%.  Maria, this site that I found listed four types of property for sale. "Urban Lot", "Building Lot", "Rural Property" and "Industrial Land" I assumed it was common Spanish terminology, but the words must be their own terminology.  The other question I had is how do people generally feel about log homes. IE, are they difficult to resell. Does the average Spanish home buyer have a problem with them ?



Regards, Ivor

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20 Jan 2009 6:47 PM by mariadecastro Star rating in Algeciras (Cadiz). 9418 posts Send private message

mariadecastro´s avatar

Just buy on urban lot.



Maria L. de Castro, JD, MA



El blog de Maria

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20 Jan 2009 6:50 PM by ivorb Star rating in Durban, East Coast S.... 36 posts Send private message

ivorb´s avatar

Thank you Maria

Regards, Ivor

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