San Juan question

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19 Jun 2009 12:00 AM by EOS Team Star rating in In Spain of course!. 4015 posts Send private message

EOS Team´s avatar

Can anybody tell me what the origins are?




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19 Jun 2009 1:06 PM by Nati Star rating in Manilva (Costa del .... 235 posts Send private message

to celebrate the San Juan Bautista´s birthday. He used to christen and he also christened Jesus. This night water becomes purified and can cure. That´s why people go to the beach.

I found this related to San Juan:

Have a look Susan


 Ana Sánchez. PGCE, MA & BA(Hons)

Teaching and Translation Services

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19 Jun 2009 1:07 PM by EOS Team Star rating in In Spain of course!. 4015 posts Send private message

19 Jun 2009 1:13 PM by Nati Star rating in Manilva (Costa del .... 235 posts Send private message

It is celebrated in different ways depending on the area but it is considered a magical night where you have to make wishes and they will become true. That´s the way I have lived it as I did not use to live near the beach when I was little


 Ana Sánchez. PGCE, MA & BA(Hons)

Teaching and Translation Services

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19 Jun 2009 1:19 PM by Nati Star rating in Manilva (Costa del .... 235 posts Send private message


this is another article related to San Juan how it is celebrated in different areas


 Ana Sánchez. PGCE, MA & BA(Hons)

Teaching and Translation Services

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21 Jun 2009 2:12 PM by J&N Star rating in Nottinghamshire. 342 posts Send private message

J&N´s avatar

Hi Susan

We're all getting our plans together for partying on Tuesday night for our San Juan festival here in Terreros. Last year there were lots of families having picnics on the beach around bonfires,  a huge crowd dancing on the beach to a DJ and the whole atmosphere is just wonderful - it's seems to be the official start to our summer tourist influx - and hopefully the weather will be good to us and we can all enjoy it - some even throwing themselves into the see at midnight to cleanse themselves for the coming year - me? no, I'll do it in spirit only, thanks!


An extract from my blog:

23rd / 24th June - Night of San Juan. Certain festivals seem to summarize life in Spain, with its love of having a good time in the company of friends and loved ones. The Night of San Juan is one such of these events. It is a celebration that is usually held on the beach with roaring bonfires, drink, food, and friends. It can be a memorable, almost surrealistic scene and one that needs to be experienced.

June 24th. The date remains a magical night in much of the northern hemisphere. Mythology states that strange occurrences can occur on this shortest night of the year. Certain pagan gods, for instance, make themselves visible during this night and we mere humans also give thanks and realise that the seasons of harder times are about to come.

So welcome to the magical night of San Juan. San Juan is about changes. It is about night to day; it is about fire to water. Fire purifies and water recuperates, refreshes, and rejuvenates

In Andalucia, San Juan is celebrated on the night of June 23rd with some towns, allowing the beaches to be used as campsites for a single night. On the beaches it’s common to see people jumping over fires which, according to legend, cleanse the body and the soul. Jumping in the sea at midnight is supposed to be a way to wash away evil spirits.



Jacqui our adventure from deciding to move to Spain to being here and moving back to the UK.


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