The Comments |
Please look at the above website if you would like to help end the cruelty to animals here in Spain.
Many people I speak to are distressed by what goes on but do not know what to do. Writing a letter of complaint to the Spanish Authorities in your country is a great way to help.
Embassy of Spain
24, Belgrave Square
For those who couldnt care less..... awaiting your insults of how we should not interfere in another countries business.
Just because its tradition does not mean its right. If you want to help please get stuck in!!! I struggle with what I see here and cant sit and do nothing.
The struggle against animal cruelty and ill-treatment should not be hampered by geographical boundaries. I consider we have a moral obligation to speak out for those who cannot speak for themselves.
Above is a video put together by a group of us campaigning for more protection for greyhounds here in Spain. Please watch the video all the way through (beware some disturbing images towards the end) and if you dont like what you see copy and print the letter below and post it! Many thanks!
Embassy of Spain
24, belgrave Square
November 09
Dear Mr. Ambassador,
I want to bring to your attention a very sad situation in your country which is of great concern to me and to many of my Spanish friends. This involves considerable cruelty to animals and in particular to dogs. Although there are laws to prevent such cruelty they are rarely, if ever enforced and there is a rather large gap in the law that regards greyhound racing dogs as “working dogs” which are therefore not covered by the law. After the rabbit-hunting season is over they either get thrown out, dumped on the motorway or are hanged. This is a deplorable state of affaires and a very poor advertisement for Spain (a country I love and where I am a property owner).
Unfortunately there is another source of cruelty to dogs involving the many expatriates who are temporary residents. Some of these people dump dogs when they return to their home countries or leave them outside animal sanctuaries. There should be serious penalties for such offences and they should be enforced. There is a great deal of anger about this situation both among my Spanish friends and the many expats who, while having an admiration for Spain and its culture, are none the less very distressed by this situation.
In the coming months, this situation will be brought to public attention in numerous ways that are intended to exert pressure for change. It would be most helpful and at the same time positive for Spain’s image (especially in 2010 when Spain’s position in the EU will be front and foremost) if your office took a lead in this matter and gave support to moves to correct this situation.
Actually, I disagree with this campaign. yes it's appalling and should not happen, but we take the choice to come and live in Spain. We can dislike the property laws or lack of service or animal cruelty...but it's part of the package, along with the sunshine and scenery.
If a group of foreigners came to live in the UK and then proceeded to try to change British institutions and processes, however bad those institutions and processes were, my recation would be "you know the way to the airport...don't let me stop you"
Why should we be arrogant enough to believe that the same doesn't apply to us Brits as visitors/settlers in Spain? We might be right on the specific issues (as we are undoubtedly here), but we're wrong overall to believe that we have the right to go there and change the character of the country to suit our ideals.
Everyone makes choices about where they want to live and like almost everything in life, it's a compromise. If there are things we really can't stomach about a place then we should not seriously consider moving there.
Sorry this is not meant to be a rant, but the forum has recently been overrun with threads complaining about various aspects of Spanish life, and i'm trying to put some perspective around the fact that no-one was forced to come here or has to stay (economics permitting of course) against their will.
Why not settle down enjoy the great Spanish lifestyle. I'm sitting in my office watching the rain pour down over dirty, grey London..I know exactly where I'd rather be right now,animal cruelty, property laws and bad service notwithstanding
Thank you for your opinion. I continue this campaign on behalf of my spanish family and the many spanish people who are just as distressed as the english living here. I continue this campaign also for the many spanish people that have refuges for abused greyhounds and last of all the spanish family that own the refuge that I work at. I am very happy the spanish people welcome our campaign and in fact have more spanish signatures than english. I hope you dont think spanish people should now march to the airport . I dont feel like the interfering Brit you are making me out to be and neither do the many spanish people i am trying to help.
Many spanish schools now run education programmes for the spanish children to be more educated than their parents on this issue and I am happy to see on spanish TV the many adverts that plead for people not to abandon their dogs including the many english that come here and ditch them as well. perhaps its the english people who ditch spanish animals that should march to the airport.... oh i forgot, they do!
Our campaign is in support of many others out there that are infact started by spanish people.
If a group of foreigners came to the UK and wanted to educate me about something i didnt know about I would welcome it. I could then choose to agree or disagree, i would not snub them because they were foreigners. I am not so arrogant that i dont welcome new ideas or listen to foreign people.
As for settling down and enjoying the spanish lifestyle, been doing that for years but please dont you be so arrogant that you think you know or have the right to tell other people how to live. Just maybe I am living the dream whilst campaigning for something im passionate about. I am putting out some information and made it clear... IF YOU DO NOT LIKE WHAT YOU SEE ...PARTCIPATE IN THE CAMPAIGN. If you are not bothered you are free and have your rights to ignore this campaign and continue with your life how you choose.
Many thanks for your opinion but i continue to be a voice for the animals here in Spain. In the UK we are lucky to have the RSPCA and others out there, perhaps one day we will have the equivelent here. I would be proud to be part of that.
You are completely free to ignore this campaign. Thanks!
This message was last edited by tinasolera on 13/11/2009. This message was last edited by tinasolera on 13/11/2009.
Hi Tinasolera, I haven't watched the video, I'm afraid I am too weak to do so but I wholly support any campaign to reduce animal cruelty ANYWHERE in the world or any other cruelty for that matter and will write a letter to the Spanish Embassy.
I am far too angry ro respond the post by Hammersfan, why do people think that cruely anywhere can ever be acceptable? Where would the world be if everyone had taken this attitude, probably still burning heretics because it was traditional. Give me strength.
Good luck
This message was last edited by Poppyseed on 13/11/2009.
Poppyseed, maybe instead of being angry at me you should read my post properly., you have complely missed the do I condone cruelty, I too think that it is totally abhorrent. My issue was the right of us recent arrivals (even those who have been here 30 years are recent compared to the Spanish people) to tell the Spanish what to do in their country.
Tinasolara's reply responded specifically to my issues and although our opinions still differ I totally respect the way that my points were addressed. That's the way that sensible debates are conducted..differing opinions understood, respected and responded to
I'm afraid, Hammersfan, it's you that is entirely missing the point. There is ALREADY a law in Spain that protects animals, we want it to be enforced, which not only is their responsibility, but a LAW. They should be enforcing that law. And how can you say it's part of a package? How selfish and ignorant is that?! We should just let it happen because it's what they do there?! The point is, whether us or them like it or not, what they are doing is wrong, FACT, not opinion. Even if we were invading in the issues of their ways, why the hell shouldn't we?! It's the animals we care about, not the idiots who are murdering them. Don't they have a right to be protected by law? shouldn't they be able to live their lives without having to face cruelty everyday?! All you seem to be concerned about is the people who are treating the animals in this way. You seem to think they have a right to not be disturbed. They are abusing and murdering dogs who have no way of defending themselves; the government are abusing their responsibilities and you think oh well, that's what you get just live with it. Well I'm sorry, how can we just sit ther and let abuse happen that we can do something about. If you cared at all about animals, you would realise that this is WRONG and should be stopped.
As Edmund Burke very famously said: "All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing"
Poppyseed thanks for signing a letter and posting it and Joan well your the biggest trooper I know, im so glad your involved.
I cant think of one good reason for dogs to running around on the roads and motorways. They cause many traffic accidents and when terrified and approached will bite on occasions... lets hope not a child!!!! If anyone out there does get bitten by a stray dog you can serve a denuncia on the council in the area in which it happened. It is their responsibility to ensure these dogs are off the streets but rarely enforced.
When people throw their dogs out I wonder if they ever feel guilty about the traffic accidents they could be causing. A man died the other month where no other cars were involved and was apparently a very careful driver.... its been put down to an animal running out in front of him, perhaps someones dog. He left behind two young children. I know that can happen anywhere in the world but if the dogs are just left because no one should interfere then they breed and before you know it............... do i need to go on???!!! There is just one reason to get involved. In the last 6 months ive picked up 8 strays that ive been able to catch and had nearly 3 accidents where dogs have ran out in front of me. Im english tho so really I should ignore it and say oh well i choose to live here i must ignore everything bad.
By the way, if any foreigner is reading this and has good ideas how to tackle binge Britain or its problems with Pheadophilia I for one would love you to start a campaign to help our country. I wouldnt think your an interefering foreigner, snub you and tell you to butt out, I would appreciate any thing positive you can do to help. I do get annoyed when foreigners come to start trouble just like the spanish get annoyed when the Brits come and dump thousands of animals on their roads costing the authorites money and overloading refuges (Please note I am only speaking for the brits that have dumped animals, I am not speaking for the thousand so of very responsible Brits). Also I am a european citizen, i do have a right to do what Im doing and the other campaigning english people alike.
The live skinning of animals in China. Many chinese admit they are suicidle with the horrors they witness everyday. Thank you to the interfereing RSPCA who help these suffering people to set up education programmes and support to change cruelty that would make most people vomit. Just because it happens in this country doeant mean its a tradition, doesnt mean its right and doesnt mean the millions of people living there support it or want it to continue.
Its too easy to sit back do nothing and say we shouldnt interfere, or the word i use is SUPPORT!!!!!
This message was last edited by tinasolera on 14/11/2009.
Hammersfan, I have deliberately waited before replying to your original post.
Firstly, I would like to say that I agree whole-heartedly with your comments regarding respecting/accepting the laws of the host country in which you may reside, be it permanently or temporarily. I speak from personal experience, as I have lived for the past 38 years in a country which is not my own.
As far as Tinosolera's letter to the Spanish Ambassador is concerned, it would seem that you have misunderstood her intentions. At no time, does Tinsolera demand anything, but requests that the existing laws be respected and applied. Her tone is respectful and her comments factual; she makes reference not only to Spanish, but also British citizens. The force of international/ political lobbying should not be under-estimated, and has indeed proved to be effective as far as animal rights are concerned, although there is still a great deal of work to be done. As I have stated in my post of 20th October, geographical frontiers should be no barrier to those who seek to help those who cannot help themselves.
I commend Tinosolera, Poppyseed, Joan and all others throughout the world who work so hard to protect and care for animals, who should never, ever be victims of Man's folly. Mahatma Ghandi said "the greatness of a nation and its moral progress, can be judged by the way its animals are treated" - would that all peoples of the world heed his words.
May I ask you to use the Search Engine of this site to look up a thread entitled "Gisela". It is not plesant viewing, but may bring home to you why we must never, ever remain complacent or consider "oh, that's just the way things are" as far as animal welfare is concerned. Animals enhance our lives, our moral duty is to cherish and protect them, and never, ever, under any circumstances whatsoever cause them harm.
your quote from Edmund Burke sums it up very well. Not only on animal cruelty but on other issues of right and wrong that some would prefer to ignore because ''this is Spain's way''
Good luck to anyone against animal cruety and speaking for those who can't speak for themselves. If tradition is wrong, then it needs changing.
Just watched this clip.
How terrible. In every country we have mental cases who do ttese things to animals and too many people who just turn a blind eye and say "none of my business".
I've heard about such things in Mexico but this is the Europe where we are supposed to be civilised.
Too right laws need to enforced. It's a crime of neglect not to enforce the laws.
"Civlilisation is another word for respect for life."
I will post a letter tomorrow morning.
Any advice for how those of us who are now living full-time in Spain can make our opinion known? Would it make sense to write to the Spanish Embassy in London from Spain?
We see quite a lot of strays in Jumilla where we live, and we read about a woman being attacked by a couple of dogs who were roaming the street, and how a local worker followed the dogs until help arrived, to prevent other people being attacked.
Having said that, a new animal shelter has just been opened by 4 Patas, who seem to be doing a great job here. They picked up a little dog called Lisa who used to wander around the area where we live, and who would follow us into town. She is due to have puppies in 3 weeks´ time, and after that we have said that if they can´t find a home for her we would be happy to take her. We visited the "albergue " and saw how well looked after the dogs were, which was very reassuring. We used to see our neighbours feeding Lisa too, and they were also concerned when she suddenly vanished and pleased to know that 4 Patas were looking after her. As far as we are concerned, many Spanish people are dog lovers and care for them, not just expats, however clearly there is a problem that needs resolving.
Sue Walker
Author of "Retiring the Ole Way", now available on Amazon
See my blog about our life in Spain:
Many thanks to those who have posted a letter. just to remind you of the address we have been bombarding...
Embassy of Spain
24, Belgrave Square
For those that would like to follow all the updates regarding animal especially greyhound cruelty please take a look at This site is run by an amazing lady who dedicates everything to raising awareness of a galgos (greyhounds) very cruel horrific life here in spain.
We have had responses from the embassy saying they will pass the information to the relevant offices but we need more pressure please.
If you havnt already seen our video please click above.
I work in a refuge here and the other day I took in a dog that I found starving to death and his mouth full of worms. The owner of this dog lives about a 40sec walk away from the refuge but would rather see the dog suffer then help it. In fact the owner left the property and decided to leave the dog as well. The volunteers at the refuge hadnt noticed at first what went on untill I spotted him and just couldnt walk by. The sad thing is this happens all the time, by the brits as well and even more sickening is that people often pick up these strays to use them for torture, many set on fire alive after hours of beatings and kickings. Its sick but for them great entertainment. Make your mind up, if you think Spain needs to buck up its ideas then please copy and paste a letter from my earlier thread and send it. Feel free to add more to the letter!
It is such a crime to commit such terrible pain and suffering to these animals, I to believe in Karma...Problem is there seems little or no education for animal welfare especially here in Murcia. I agree there are good and bad people from all walks of life here it isnt always who you think although I believe it is mainly the local hil billy types who are at fault and seem be the main offenders.
Animal welfare here in Spain is like it was in the uk 40yrs ago, I just hope with more awareness laws get passed and so the perpertrators can be shamed and taken to court.
Good luck and well done with your work
kind regards
Please take 20secs to sign this petition. Its to be presented to zapatero. In many village fiestas across Spain they use live bulls to torture and set on fire as their entertainment. The bulls are in absolute agony which can last all night long. Imagine if you turned up to your village fiesta expecting music and a dance only to witness that horror of events. It took me 20 secs to sign.
I have signed the petition. Even by Spanish standards - or perhaps I should more correctly say, customs, this is barbaric!
Cruelty to animals.
How can anyone be so sick?

Cruelty to animals.
How can anyone be so sick?
