08 Mar 2016 4:40 PM:
I'm new to the forum and very impressed with the membership expertise! I have a property in Spain and am considering moving here permanently in the near future.
Regarding Wealth Tax there are a couple of claims on the web that it will be abolished from 2017 (normally with the caveat 'we'll believe it when we see it'). Given that Spain has yet to form a government is it just pure guesswork at this stage or is there a rationale suggesting that the many renewals of this temporary tax will cease?
Under current rules does anyone know if a UK SIPP needs to be included in the WT calculation? (I'm in my 40s so will not access these funds for some time). Assuming (he said!) SIPPs are not included would this be the case if you do not touch the funds even after age 55?
Finally, I understand the Hacienda includes overseas property in the WT calculation but how do they determine the value to be used of a UK property?
Great to be on board the forum :-)
Wealth Tax/Patrimonio