11 Apr 2012 8:48 AM:
Thanks to everyone for their help.
Eventually, I rang Bankia (Bancaja) London offices and was told that there were problems with the website and to try later or the following day. I spoke to my Branch and they confirmed that that was the case. Last night you couldn't log into either the Spanish or the English version.
Success, this morning I got in - can't tell you what a relief !!!! The English version does not seem to work though so I had to keep translating sentences to ensure I did the correct thing so not to have by account blocked.
For me, entering my passport number and the PIN I had previously been using worked. I had also been selecting one of the keys under the keypad where you enter your PIN and this was obviously wrong. You just select the accept key at the bottom of the box - if you are on the page that should make sense.
Anyway, I'm there now and thanks again.