06 Feb 2007 8:38 AM:
Hi kelju
I've been reading the forums for ages and this is my first post, but Justin did publish an article (to which I contributed) on this very subject a while back which is still very relevant.
TechNoApe, Smiley and LeoLeon have got in spot on. Most guaranteed rental schemes where 2 years are offered is simply built into the price, although I cannot speak directly for this particular development. Also achieving good consistent rentals on the Sol is difficult (unless you have a very special apartment which is particularly well located) due to the sheer amount of property available for rent (basic supply and demand economics apply). Interestingly though villas seem to rent really well especially in the higher end of the market. I have a friend who rents out top end villas and I nearly fell over when I heard what rents they achieve! Anyhow, that is a small niche and my advice to anyone buying on the Sol is buy what you can afford, don't rely on "potential" rental income to cover you mortgage costs and enjoy the property for the reasons you purchased it.
Before anyone notices, I am an agent, so you will have to take whatever I say with a pinch of salt!!! (however, I do have a long list of contented clients who would be happy to speak with you)
Guaranteed Rental Income, too good to be true???