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ArthurTheGreat's latest forum comments

27 Jul 2013 11:06 AM:

Hi Ian. Yes, we are in a fabulous hotel at the moment - the THB Torrequebrada in Benalmadena and although the majority of guests are Spanish there is a smattering of British and Irish, French, Danes etc. I'm finding a lot of positive discrimination in favour of the British. Our Uruguayan barwoman yesterday was talking about how she loves the British and the Germans and our 'correct' ways. Of course that is a generalisation and we have our share of the baddies, but it is obviously nice to be so welcomed as a holidaymaker in Spain. I expect there will be a big return of British tourists to Spain, for the same reasons that the British have loved Spain for years.

Off now to the charming cafe for a cafe con leche and a glance at 'Sur,' no doubt with the usual articles on the corruption which has stained this country and for which there seems to be no answer, with so many people having taken a cut, and therefore unwilling to speak up as they are also implicated. It is in many ways fortunate that the foreign tourists often can't understand Spanish, because they can play their waterpolo in the pool and sip their pints, while gazing at the beautiful Mediterranean sea, with no idea what's going on. This ignorance will be useful in the quest to improve Spain's tourism industry.

Finally, another plug for this hotel - I just looked it up on the net and apparently some rather unsavoury characters used to come here - Roca for one, to spend the money he stole from the Spanish and British (and other foreign) people on the casino tables - but I'm not going to think about that. The location is stunning and the food and rooms and staff all first class and it's nice to see people working with a smile on their faces in such a beautiful place.

Thread: Spain's Tourism is on the rise this year again thanks to British

11 Jun 2013 4:38 PM:

Does anyone know of a good car hire company at Menorca airport - one which doesn't have all the catches? Thanks.

Thread: Car hire in Menorca


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The UK-Spanish Connection
"Important UK-Spanish connections"
Last Updated: 7/31/2015 1:43:03 PM
Lifetime Views: 3593

Still arguing over olives
"The second year of our life in Spain"
Last Updated: 7/27/2013 11:44:40 AM
Lifetime Views: 2336

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