22 Apr 2014 8:10 PM:
I've heard that declaring your rented property on the RENTA application can make you eligible for a bigger return. Early last year I started renting an apartment with the contract in my name. The problem is that on my contract is uses both the D.N.I and C.I.F of the landlord.
De una parte, ***** ********* *****, con D.N.I. no 00.000.000-T, actuando como Administrador de **** *********** S.L., con C.I.F. no 0-00.000.000, domiciliada en calle ******* **** no **, bajos, como la parte arrendador.
Which number should I use? the D.N.I. of the landlord or the C.I.F. of his company?
How to declaring rented apartmented in RENTA 2013