03 May 2015 7:10 PM:
my wonderful spanish neighbour recommended this plant to me as she had one and knowing nothing about it i bought my first one last year.
thank you everyone for your thoughts, toxicity and a ph 6.6 to 7.7
I have just done some quick research and amazed at the many different variety's which are not clear on the labels i saw in the graden centre. Some like sun, some dont, some prefer to be in doors, some dont flower, some recommend planting next to another varierty to help them flower and some advise not to plant near a house due to different points of view on the scent and invasive.
the only thing they all agree on is its poisonous.
I am now confused.
My new one is about 1 mtr high it was in the shade in the garden centre, its still in its own pot with soil and looked well when i bought it.
i kept it in doors for a few days and it was happy.
I put it out side in part shade but it was 30c and some of the leaves bleached from the sun and that was when i started having problems.
I believe some plants are meant to be and also look around to see what is grown. Dame de noche is not one of them in this area. So there is my answer.
She is in my "sick parrot corner" on death row and has 3 weeks left hoping for a last minute reprieve.
Dame noches in pots part shade