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06 Jul 2013 10:36 AM:

go to Iberdrola...or who ever your Electric campay is/was  take an up to date reading...tell them your problems and that you wish to return to them, and could they help you with any outstanding bills, also take your latest bill.....once your have arranged to pay your bills direct to the electrical company....cancel all direct debits and send Iberswitch an email to cancel with them as well and also ask them for a OCA DE RECLAMACION....if they don't have one you can report them to the polic, as every business should have these forms!!....also with Iberdrola you can get your bills on line if you register with them 

Thread: Iberswitch

05 Jul 2013 2:56 PM:

 IBERSWITCH ARE THE BIGGEST BUNCH OF CON ARTIST'S I HAVE EVER HAD THE MISS FORTUNE OF MEETING!!...once again it's lets con the Expats!!....you can cancel with them but make sure you have all angles covered!!

Thread: Iberswitch

08 Oct 2012 7:12 PM:

 very interesting!!

Thread: Iberswitch

06 Oct 2012 9:34 AM:

 Can someone please tell me what documents are needed to be translated when you get married in Spain I know you need a 2 year history on the Padron, or can someone give me the prices of translating documents.

Thank you

Thread: Legal Wedding in Spain

06 Oct 2012 9:17 AM:

 Iberswitch were using companies that were not putting the correct reading on the bill....so when we went  back with Iberdrola ...we had a bill for 164 euro...again con artists!!

Thread: Iberswitch


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