26 Jan 2011 5:59 PM:
Telefonica are probably the worst unscrupulous company in Spain!
Whatever they tell you is a lie, it is what the operators are trained to do to never let you cancel.
The only sure fire way to cancel is to send a beurofax to the address on your bill.
State that you do not want to continue and that you will stop your payment from the day after your next bill due. Just stopping the payment without a beurofax notification will just mean that you incur more fees as you have ‘never notified them of the cancellation’.
Look up beurofax in the internet and you will get full details of how to send one, it is a legal document that Telefonica cannot ignore!
It is terrible that the consumer organization do not reel Telefonica/Movistar into account. One feels that money is being paid somewhere to keep things sweet for them (oops, did I almost mention corruption! In Spain! What was I thinking!!!)
Cancelling my telephone service