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15 May 2012 2:57 PM:

I've been waiting over 3 years for a case against a developer in Granada and still no date yet. Perhaps it's worst in andalucia generally.

Thread: Juzgado de Estepona

15 May 2012 2:48 PM:

One concern I have about the list though is that there are no cases in Andalucia since 2005, which is where my case is waiting. I guess a high proportion of the other problems are there too.

Thread: Legal tip 758. More Case Law on Bank´s liabilities for off plan refunds 15 May 2012

04 Apr 2012 6:25 PM:

The other key point is "after the contract is cancelled". That seems to be a lengthy process, as I've been waiting over 3 years for the court to do this.


27 Sep 2011 9:11 AM:

 As one of Maria's clients who has been waiting a long time for a return of the deposit I would be delighted if Maria could get the compensation in the form of a property.  I know in an ideal world she would be able to get the money back with interest, but I suspect it will still take a long time to get to that stage and I've already been waiting nearly 3 years. In spite of everything I'm still interested in having a property in Spain. 

Any property would have to meet my requirements though and if the bank expect me to put in a substantial sum (like the 100,000 euros Faro suggests) the case against them would continue.  I would have to feel I was getting a good deal. The problem with that is I don't think anyone has ever got a good deal from a bank. Maybe Maria can change that!


This message was last edited by CardiffIan on 27/09/2011.
Thread: Banks settling with properties

13 Sep 2011 9:43 AM:

 The tour is continuing in Hamburg, but not for the moment in London.



Dada la cercanía de las elecciones, Fomento ha cerrado de momento una expedición más a Londres, dejando en el aire el resto de las ciudades visitadas durante la primavera por Blanco y Corredor: París, Amsterdam, Estocolmo y Moscú.




This message was last edited by CardiffIan on 13/09/2011.


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