¿Quien es Cary?

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Soy... una mujer

Sobre mi... Love the Spanish countryside and wide open spaces quite apart from the lovely blue skies

Vivo en... Southampton

Me gusta... Walking in Spain, music, dancing

Trabajo de... accountancy

Mi firma en el foro es...


Cary's latest forum comments

19 Mar 2021 10:01 PM:

That's good thinking free_bee , I would like to do all those things! I'll see how things pan out travel wise. I'm in favour of a possible vaccine card to make travel happen!! Like everyone else I would like to see life get back to normal............!

Thanks again!

Thread: Getting Your House Bills Electronically When Stuck In The UK

19 Mar 2021 9:52 PM:

Hi justlearn


I use this website 




you can listen to it for free, if you want written help then you have to subscribe to it if you are a pupil but if you are looking at it from a teacher's perspective then you could email the company to offer your services as a native speaker. I think they like to use lots of different native speakers and a variety of different teachers which can all be done remotely as they are pre-recorded podcasts.


Best of luck!

Thread: What is the best way of learning Spanish at home?

19 Mar 2021 8:11 PM:

Thanks free_bee, followed your advice and downloaded the software, which wouldn't work for me a couple of days ago. , owing to the internet running in a bumpy fashion at times, but I succeeded today and was comforted with the fact that your steps are what I had actually done the other day but stalled when trying to download the software, which is why the email failed to come through with a code I have to take to show proof of my identity.  I looked up where in I can register if I don't make it to London, and a 10 min walk away form where I live in Andalucia there's the town hall who are actually listed to do this. Its such a small village everyone knows each other there., they know my face ..........could have done this years ago as I realise now! I may just wait till then instead of trekking to London but will check out the London centre in case things don't improve and I can't get to Spain again.

You were also correct regarding the support number not needed for this method,,,,,,,,,was just hoping that with a NIE number I had already, there must have been something missing.

Thanks again for the time you spent on this!!





Thread: Getting Your House Bills Electronically When Stuck In The UK

19 Mar 2021 11:15 AM:

Morning! and thanks to all three of you who replied so promptly...........it has been a frustrating time for many I know. For myself and others  in the UK  I am quite  familiar with submitting tax returns here so eventually in 2019 I did submit my own Non Resident tax instead of using Spanish Tax Forms which had been a great help for many years but as the substance was pretty constant each year I felt compelled to try it on my own., and send the money from my uk bank account since I couldn't get into my Spanish account at the time to do a transfer., but  I would recommend Spanish Tax Forms for any new property owner. (thanks rowlandsbb)

to johnmcmahon- all my bills are on direct debit so the payment of the local tax IBI, water etc wasn't my problem since I estimated how much was left in the bank account there to cover them for the past year, and topped this up during the year, though it has been a horrible feeling of working blind. Anyway I happily got through to an English speaker as although I do learn Spanish its much easier to speak about some things in English, she identified the problem straightaway thankfully and spoke to my local branch to take the zero out after the country code which then activated it  straight away! A simple phone call away............I had been putting it off as over the phone with automated responses, waiting times and not really fully understanding the replies.........

to free_bee I must have  spent a good part of a day looking at the process of obtaining a digital certificate on my phone and/or my computer including the cl@ve/pin etc and each one still asked for a support number on my NIE certificate where there isn't one in my case (passport number didn't work) The website did show where the support number was shown but non of the types of documents shown  on the website were the same as my plain a4 white single sheet of my NIE number/ certificate (with no end date), in fact my document type wasn't mentioned anywhere either,,,,,,,,,,

At the time of obtaining an NIE number I'm sure I would have had to show my passport and give a specimen of my signature, on buying a property,  so I'm concluding that there's a glitch in the system somewhere but I will look at it again if I'm just being stupid as I read also that all I needed was my NIE number, name and email address. Re getting a digital certificate via FNMT the process I read also it required  visiting an office in Spain( or perhaps) the Consulate in London as you suggested................so not straightforward. but thanks for your time and explanation., and no reply from my local town hall office either.


Thread: Getting Your House Bills Electronically When Stuck In The UK

18 Mar 2021 4:47 PM:

HI, I'm enjoying the podcast which is free on  Spotify called Coffee Break Españnl. It's really great, love it! If you actually subscibe to it you can download all the written translations and helpful Grammar notes etc You don't need spotify to get it, I just happen to have it. They do quite a few podcasts, currently I'm listening to Coffee Break Showtime and have subscribed to get the notes as got a bit frustrated with the bits I didn't understand. Excellent speakers with great diction. I really recommend it! Loverly voices to listen to ..............here is the link



Thread: What is the best way of learning Spanish at home?


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"Hola, quisiera hacer amigos nuevos en la region que ahora misma estoy comprando una casita en un lugar muy pequeña y muy alta en las montañas cerca de Ronda. El lugar se llama Montejaque. Me gusta mucho hacer senderismo muy cerca . Las vistas ahi son muy maravillosa. La semana que viene ire a españa para vacaciones hasta el trece de junio. Escribame si quiere hacer amigos. Hi,,I would like to make new friends in Spain. Next week I go to buy a small town house in the small village of Montejaque. I enjoy walking and it would be nice to make friends in the area who also enjoy walking. The views there are excelent and there are many walking paths nearby in the area. I would like to improve my Spanish too. Un salduo Cary"
Last Updated: 5/28/2008 2:00:14 PM
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