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31 May 2013 9:32 AM:

Johnzx, I agree,

Actually, Spain was paying a yearly fine to Brussels for not having the EPC introduced.

Now they don't have to pay it anymore which is better for Spain... (new work for architects and 21% IVA...)

Another thing: I posted a comment (with a service) and it was removed as it was supposedly an advertisement...
Strange when I see several posts 'advertising' and 'selling' EPC-prices...
Yes, I provide a service but people are first made aware what answers you can have on frequently asked questions.
I thought that's a good thing too....

Prices: mind you there are numerous inspectors which have (supposedly) nice/low prices.
Mostly you can check those inspectors when they enter your home and leave within 30 minutes. These cannot make an 100% EPC as numerousl measurements have to be done which take a lot of time.
Time will learn...

Thread: Energy Performance Certificates come to Spain

30 May 2013 7:45 PM:

Yesterday I placed a reaction in this forum and now it's gone without any comment?

I would be pleased to get a reaction from f.e. the moderator/owner of this forum why I'm spending time to see nothing happening?

Ps. I already send an e-mail yesterday and also got no reaction...

Kind regards,


Ruud van Rooijen

Thread: Energy Performance Certificates come to Spain


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