02 Nov 2012 3:28 PM:
This may seem like a basic question and I hope I am not repeating this question.
I have made a verbal offer on a second hand apt and it has been accepted. Before signing a contrato de arras I want to check that everything is in order.
The nota simple indicates that the current owner has a mortgage on the property. How does this work moving forward?
Also, there is a phrase that I just don´t understand:
- Affecion: afecta la posible revision por la autoliquidacion del Impuesto de Transmisions Patrimoniales y Actos Juridicos Documentados por el plazo de CINCO años, a partir del 19 de Octubre de 2012. Habiéndose Liberado la cantidad de TRESCIENTS TREINTA y OCHO CON SESENTA Y CUARTO euros. Does anyone know what this means?
Thanks for your help!
Nota Simple - okay if a current mortgage shows up??