28 Aug 2015 6:07 PM:
I don't live in the U.K and haven't done for years. I am an Irish passport holder although I am from Northern Ireland where did my driving test 20 years ago. I renewed my driving license using my parents address as I move around a lot not for any dodgy reasons it's just more practcal to not have to change addresses every few years, or so I thought! And yes John I have an NIE. From what I can gather the License is in Trafico in Bilbao I have an appointment in a few weeks to review my case hopefully it will be a straight forward change from my U.K license to a Spanish one but I won't hold my breath for that, from what I can gather. Just out of interest does anyone know if it would be easier or more practical just to get an international License over here?
Uk Driving license taken by police