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Chrissie1's latest forum comments

08 Jan 2019 12:41 PM:


I am very pleased for you and totally understand how difficult it has been for you. The shame of it all is that everyone involved including lawyers, banks, builders etc have dined out on it. Unfortunately, they have not a clue about the circumstances of the victims. It would be nice if there was a place on this forum for us to get help and advice instead of the constant barage of nasty comments. I wish you all the best for the future.


Thread: Bank guarantees

07 Jan 2019 7:04 PM:

What a sad forum this has become.

Thread: Bank guarantees

04 Dec 2018 1:13 PM:

EOS moderators

Could you please let me know which post/s of mine have been insulting etc.


Thread: Should there be a second referendum?

03 Dec 2018 7:09 PM:

Its a waste of time posting at all when your posting disappears for no apparent reason and then your posts get put onto a completely different thread !!


Thread: Should there be a second referendum?

03 Dec 2018 1:50 PM:



This message was last edited by Chrissie1 on 03/12/2018.
Thread: Bank Repossessions Again


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