12 Mar 2016 7:52 AM:
Hi I want to start a new career in Spain as an estate agent. Yes you heard me rightly an ESTATE AGENT. I know they are the considered to be one step above bankers, but hey if you can't beat them join them. Thats What I say. I want to make some money, yes, MONEY and I don't care how I do it.
On a serious level does anybody know how to go about it. Do I have to be lincensed or qualified? I looked up Agenete de la propiedad but i can't recall anything of help in particular. If you are an estate agent you are now my bestest friend on the planet and would love your help and i promise not to come over there and take your turf. I just want to try and make a humble living (so he says with a wry smile).
All The Best
New Career