25 Mar 2013 12:53 PM:
Aliton, bear in mind that these motorways were first planned in the 80s and 90s when the dream of freedom of movement for goods, people and capital was still regarded as an achievable target, and there were no budgetary constraints. Spain didn't join the EU till 1986 and its infrastructure was in a pretty bad state, especially in the south and west of the country. It made sense to bring it up to the level of the more prosperous member states.
Personally I think tourism is one of the industries that really does benefit from a good road and rail network. Not just tourists from overseas - Spaniards from Madrid can now get to the coast by lunchtime!
What really is a waste of money is the various airports built as prestige projects by local politicians and still unused (like Castellón in Valencia). But we can't lay that at the door of the EU.
Spains deserted Motorways... Prime example of Euro wastage.?