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DONKATH's latest forum comments

09 May 2011 12:00 AM:

 We sold our spanish property in November 2008 and submitted form 212 in April 2009.  the form was prepared by our solicitor, taken to our bank form them to complete and then (we presume)sent to the spanish tax authorities.  So far we have received nothing although we left open our bank account and have paid charges basically for not using it.  

Does anyone out there have any idea how we can chase up the 4000. euros which we are owed,   We have spend hours on the web trying to find any clues of where or who we can contact.   We miss Spain and would like to buy another property but are not prepared to give Spain any more of our money until we receive what is rightly ours.  Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


This message was last edited by DONKATH on 09/05/2011.


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