21 May 2008 1:15 PM:
Hi Maria and forum readers
We have just been paid our deposits back by bankers draft in to our account. Although not cleared yet we have no reason to believe there will be a problem (but now so cynical that nothing surprises anymore following our 2 year experience).
The deposits were returned after we were advised the January, then April after 3 month grace period, building deadline would not be met. We were advised in March so the whole process has taken 2 months which I thought was very good.
We were also paid 4% interest per year on the deposits paid.
My question to Maria is that I have read the Spanish law requires that 6% interest is paid. Is there a way I can make a simple claim for the extra 2%? Or would legal fees outweigh the benefit (dependant on knowing the difference of course!).
Thanks and good luck to anyone else in our (formerly very depressed) situation. The process was good for us so there is much hope.
Bank Guarantee Process for Claiming