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Soy... una mujer

Vivo en... Duquesa

Trabajo de... Accountant

Mi firma en el foro es...

Daniela & Lee

Daniela's latest forum comments

14 Aug 2013 9:32 PM:

If you did have to pay tax in Spain it would be deducted from the uk tax due as there is a double taxation treaty. But this is only if you have property in Spain. How would Spain know that the spouse had died? If you are in UK the death would be registered in the uk not Spain.

If you are back in UK and you are British, you would be classed as UK resident and Uk domiciled from the day you land as long as it is planned to be a permanent move. Spain would have no rights over the property in UK.

Thread: IHT a query

06 Aug 2013 11:17 PM:

The artificial reefs were dropped to stop the fishermen illegally drag netting in Gibraltar waters from what I understand.

Gibraltarian people do not want to be handed back to Spain because they are gibraltarian! Some may speak Spanish as their first language but they are fiercely independent and extremely nationalistic, Gibraltar first then British. It's nice to see a nation so patriotic! They are not penalised for draping themselves in their national flag come national day unlike some other countries I won't mention.

I lived in Spain until I was 4 then uk until 4 years ago when I got a job in Gibraltar. Gib has grown on me so much so I'm planning to move there during the week instead of living full time in Spain. The Gibraltar govt looks after their people and they prosper, why on earth would they want to be handed back to an almost bankrupt country that hates them? The entire coast up to Estepona would die if that happened as its not just the Spanish who work there but countless other nationalities who live in Spain but work in Gibraltar.

In my opinion the gibraltarians would take up pitchforks and fight hand to hand before they become Spanish. Lol

The same old argument flares up whenever Spain wants to distract the public from some corruption charge or other. It will probably die down soon....
This message was last edited by Daniela on 06/08/2013.
Thread: Gibraltar ownership - is it merely a political distraction?

28 Jul 2013 2:16 PM:

Hi Maria,

I understood that this €50 flat rate was for people under 30 years old. Is this not the case?


Thread: Starting a new business - need some market research

24 Jul 2013 7:45 PM:

Campo sol,

If you did happen to die before you sold your property in Spain you would be liable to Spanish inheritance tax whether you were fiscally resident in Spain or not. This would be taken account of in your uk estate and the executor of the will would deduct any charges from Spain in the settlement.

Owning properties in 2 countries brings all sorts of headaches that we never think of until after its too late! :(

Thread: De registering from the Spanish tax system

24 Jul 2013 7:33 PM:


You will not lose you nationality if you spend more time here in Spain but if you spend more than 183 days per year here you will be fiscally resident in Spain and therefore have to fill in a Spanish residents tax return. (As you own a property here you should be currently filling in a non residents tax return which is based on your property value)

Be aware that if you are fiscally resident here in Spain you will have to declare your worldwide income and assets. This year saw the introduction of the model 720 where you have to declare assets of over 50k. If you sell your uk property and keep the money in a bank account, wherever it may be held, if it is over 50k you will have to declare it and pay tax.

I would suggest you get advice from a tax accountant before making any decisions.

Hope this helps.


Thread: resident or non resident tax


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"Life of a 30 something singing accountant in Southern Spain and the things she gets up to and observes."
Last Updated: 1/6/2014 10:47:10 PM
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