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Soy... un hombre

Sobre mi... Comedy Novelist living in Spain

Vivo en... Orgiva

Mi firma en el foro es...

David Luddington www.luddington.com www.writingcourses.eu

DavidLud's latest forum comments

20 Oct 2014 10:41 AM:

A year ago I imported my UK car to Spain. It's a Ford Cougar and about 12 years old but good condition and low milage so we thought it worth the trouble.  We duly paid the importation taxes and associated fees. Now, a year later and out of the blue, the Tax people say I haven't paid enough tax as they have looked up the car and say it is worth €20,000!!!

Has anybody else any experience of this?

Thread: Car Importation Tax

20 Oct 2012 8:28 AM:

 We have just completed on our house here. We used a mortgage broker who eventually used Deutsche Bank ES, The whole process was a nightmare of delays and paperwork. Banks would say one thing then randomly change their minds! We have a very clean credit rating and good income but even then it was fraught with difficulties so that just when you think you're there they spring just one more request for other information. 

Maximum mortgage you can get here is 60% of valuation and valuations are coming in very low. Interest rates are better than UK though so once you have it, it's cheap. They will also only lend on Urban land and not country properties. 

We eventually ended up with quite a small mortgage which is easily covered by renting our UK property.

Thread: To Mortgage or Not to Mortgage


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DavidLud' blogs

Books on Spain
"A round-up and review of Books on Spain. Some old some new, fiction and non-fiction. Sometimes brief, sometimes in depth but never negative. If I don’t like it, I won’t review it!"
Last Updated: 7/3/2015 9:48:49 AM
Lifetime Views: 46288

The Funny Side of the Mountain
"A Humourist's view of life in Spain. As a comedy writer, rural Spain is often a great source of inspiration. These are just some of my random scribblings."
Last Updated: 1/3/2020 9:08:30 AM
Lifetime Views: 10246

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