05 Jul 2008 8:31 AM:
Justin, do you honestly believe you'll get a straight answer from an Aifos rep. They are probably kept in the dark by the upper management as much as the buyers.
Alot of people would be happy with some truthful news. There are many people whose lives have been ruined by this firm.Many of these people are descent hard working folk who just wanted to buy a place and spend a happy retirement in the sun. Afios don't care about these people, only the bottom line which is money.
Individual people who have dealings with Aifos are taking their own measures, some are going to court, others are waiting it out, but how long do you wait for ?
I think Afios are now well known as a company to avoid, even the agents give them a wide berth now.The Spanish look away in disgust shaking their heads at the mention of them.
This feeling against Aifos has been brought on by Afios themselves, they only have themselves to blame for the situation they are in, but they have no Interest in answering a telephone call unless your a buyer, send them an e mail wanting to buy, they'll be on the phone in minutes.
Aifos may even start up again, remember Sofia, try the anagram.
That was a very Kind offer to go and take pics of the site Justin, my legs aren't what they used to be and that hill can be a killer on the joints the next day.
Anyone ever succesfully swapped to another completed Aifos Development ?