09 Feb 2009 8:25 AM:
As María says, it is not that simple to do a change of name in the contract. First, you have to go to the water offices and the electricity offices, the local one, so that will mean whoever is doing the service taking their car (and that is time to go there, time to come back to their office, and the petrol and wear and tear of the car, one trip and back to the water company office, one trip and back to the electricity office). And then, at least where the electricity is concerned, do the follow up within a few days to check that the contract has been changed, and if anybody has ever called the electricity customer service number knows that that can mean a waiting time of ten, fifteen, even twenty five minutes on the phone, until somebody finally takes the call and stops the music.
Plus, the phone calls to and from to notify the contracts are made, to ask what is needed, to do the photocopies...
It might seem expensive but at the end of the day it is a bothersome service that takes quite a bit of time. Also, in those 300 might be included what needs paying to the water company because same only accept cash for the setting up of the new contract ad the caution money, whereas usually the electricity company charges that money and the caution money directly to your bank account. So maybe 100 are to be taken off those 300 for the water company, and your lawyer only keeps 200. And it could also be that those 300 are just a provision of funds, for the water contract, maybe a pending electricty bill...
Sadly what we can't do ourselves needs to be paid, outrageous or not. My IT problems cost me quite a bit, but I have to pay the man or else I am out of business, and if his rates are 30 euro per hour well... he is well worth it.
Transferring Electric and Water on completion enquiry