05 Jan 2013 10:54 AM:
Being one of the thousands of non Spanish purchasers of a holiday or residential home. I feel that the Spanish Government should take hold of the time wasting departments that take so long to sort the many many problems Non Nationals have when needing to obtain a Habitation Certificate on a property to be able to allow the Utility Companies to install the utility the individual meters, Purchased 7 years ago, an apartment in a block of 50, 14 apartments sold to private purchasers, 3 of which are Nationals.
7 years on we have no individual meters, the local government are still passing the buck and moving the gateposts when our community Adminstrator's do all the research to allow even the road to be built. The frustrations of those who have paid in full for there apartment or have a morgage, Pay the Spanish taxes, Local & Sumo.
For the last year the Bank how owns 15 of the apartments & The builder ceased traiding, leaving many areas of the complex unfinished, he owns16 apartments & owes thousands in community fees. Collects rent for many of his apartments from undesirables who use the utilities at the expence of the community purse. The community fees are now €100 a month, the non resident owners pay this monthly.
The Community Purse is paying most of the monthly fees collected to the utility companies, which has now wittered away the community purse. The undesirables are all living free of utility costs, The non nationals are being robbed by these actions and are unable to do anthing about it as the local police say without the Habitation Certificate and the children undesirables children. they can do nothing.
Its hard to beleive that the police hold no power to move on those, who say thay have a rent book from the Builder yet pay no community fees. RED TAPE. The Spanish Government allow this situation to continue at the expence of the purchasers who spent all their savings on what was supposed to be a Dream Home in Spain.
There are two other UK families that were unable to complete their purchase 6 years ago, the Builder still holds 3/4 of the purchase price, their solicitors are unable to do anything about it, Lives on hold until something is done to help. Wake up Spain.
The Government wants help with Red-Tape Reform!