27 Jan 2009 7:22 PM:
Back to the original thread, I have the following from ACC Seguros "explaining" the reason why they will not pay legal interest on one of my two off-plan properties.
"La poliza o polizas adjuntas no se encuentran sometidas a la Ley 57/68, ya que las fincas objeto del seguro no van a ser destinadas a domicilio o residencia familiar, con caracter permanente, ni a residencia de temporada, accidental o circunstancial. En consecuencia no se garantiza interes alguno de las cantidades anticipadas entregadas por el comprador, sino unicamente el principal"
I have read somewhere before that banks and insurance companies try to justify this by saying that anybody with more than one off-plan is not a consumer but an investor. Whilst both properties are in my name, one was purchased for a relative with their money, and both were intended as holiday homes in the same development.
Do you have any views on their legal position or how I would force them to pay legal interest on both bank guarantees if I needed to execute them?
The developer is hiding behind ACC's position. The developer also says that my lawyers accepted this explanation at the time the bank guarantees were put in place (without my knowledge).
At what point can a bank guarantee be executed?