¿Quien es Farnsfield?

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Soy... un hombre

Sobre mi... Retired from a career in education in the K

Vivo en... Benalmadena

Me gusta... Academic research and helping caring organisations

Trabajo de... Retired

Mi firma en el foro es...


Farnsfield's latest forum comments

27 Feb 2015 4:06 PM:

I met a person a few weeks ago who had retired to Spain, and after about 10 years  decided to return to the UK. However, he is now back in Spain!! I wonder if there are any other people who have doen exactly the same thing? Farnsfield

This message was last edited by Farnsfield on 13/06/2015.
Thread: Return from Spain to the UK and back to Spain e.g. circular migration

06 Feb 2014 1:21 PM:

I am researching the reasons, problems and issues of expats over the age of 55 who may be considering returning to the UK or have aleady done so. I would welcome any comments. You may be returning to the UK for financial, health, family or other personal reasons.  My research is supervised by a University in the UK, therefore any information I obtain is treated  as stricly confidential. It is hoped that any information I receive will help those who have returned to enable them to resettle in the UK.

Thread: Farnsfield

01 Dec 2012 12:52 PM:

 A documentary about British Expats living in Spain is an excellent idea. There have been over the ;last 20 years or so a number of documentaries about Brits in Spain but they have not been well balanced in their opinions and views. I have a doctorate in International Retirement Migrtion centering on older British retirees. If you want any help please ask. Charles B

Thread: Living In Spain Documentary Film

09 Jun 2012 2:45 PM:


I am Chairman/Consultant for Age Care Association a similar organisation to Age UK in Britain. I may be able to help you. Could you  or telephone  Spain 952447637, Sincerely, Charles Betty

Thread: moving my mother to spain


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Returning to the UK
"I am researching the reasons why some British expats in Spain are deciding to return to the UK. If you intend to leave Spain and relocate to the UK I would appreciate your help. This is serious academic research so your thoughts etc would be useful for expats who have now left Spain. "
Last Updated: 2/4/2014 3:40:30 PM
Lifetime Views: 3754

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