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22 Feb 2025 6:16 PM:

I love Spain and don't see much point in being willfully offensive...but

in an "AngloSaxon" legal format...such as Aussie, South Africa, Canada, USA, UK, etc...if a govt body advertised and promoted a scheme such as solar panels...and if people in good faith went along with the scheme...one would not expect the govt body to go out of its way to thwart claiming the subsidy. If it did, I have no doubt that there would be legal redress.In many countries people will have borrowed large sums to install solar in order to fund the subsidy.

There is no such protection in Spain...everyone sniggers, just like they did when people who thought they had planning permission.legal title were shafted. It's a Spanish attitude...people just roll their eyes and say "what did you expect?"

It's a perpetual game...every one is business cheats on IVA, taxes, etc...the govt cheats in response...

There's no point in getting too wound up.

Thread: Solar panels

20 Feb 2025 1:35 PM:

Yes, i think your sparky has summed things up quite succinctly, lol.

Thanks for the reply, guy

Thread: Solar panels

17 Feb 2025 6:36 PM:

this is odd...i got a reply to my query from Phyllis...but when i look for it...it's gone.

Solar panels

started by GuyT
4 replies, most recent by Phyllis on 10 Feb 2025 8:52 AM

Thread: Solar panels

01 Feb 2025 2:12 PM:

Well, I'm as cynical as the next...but 1. The solar panel subsidies are widely publicised in Spain and EU wide...2. I contracted with a solar panel subsidy installer...there are plenty on-line...3. My Extremadura Junta kept updating me via my digital ID on my subsidy progress...it's not as if he was a Nigerian prince...4. and as said, I was referred to "subvenciones avogado" who charged me a substantial fee to snag any issues...it's not as if the entire narrative is a figment of my imagination.

It is just that everything kept grinding to a halt...a problem with tradesmen, etc...not only in Spain by any means. It was quite a large installation...the panels, batteries and heat exchanger cost north of €40k...so while I'll probably end up chalking it up to experience...i'd still like to have a stab at re-applying for my subsidies...the work was all done and paid for...it seems "unfair" lol.



Thread: Solar panels

28 Jan 2025 9:17 AM:

Hi...I was wondering whether anyone had any luck with solar panel subsidies. A couple of years ago a solar panel company fixed us up with panels, batteries and heat pump. The idea was that we qualified for subsidies. We were even referred to a "lawyer" who would manage the subsidy applications.

While I'm happy with the installation...we've never had any luck with getting any of the subsidies...there was a never-ending list of questions needing more information...some technical, some simple like proof of planning permission...always something... which always ended up with the subsidy being rejected. One large solar panel company told me that they have NEVER EVER had a subsidy approved, lol. 

So, anyone had any luck...any clues...???

Thread: Solar panels


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