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03 Jun 2010 2:21 PM:



sales have increased???????????

After 18months trying to sell my property and seeing hundreds like me I realise that the only people selling are those that can afford to take a huge hit.  That also refers to the hit taken by using the local scammers, much like the marbella scandal 5 years ago.  The Spanish property market is so complicated I often wonder was I totally insane or very drunk when I actually purchased my apartment in Alicante.  Well I suppose I did think at the time that it would be my permanent residence but alas a woman changed my mind and I returned home.  

So if sales have increased by 9% I suggest that this means that prices have dropped significantly because every man and his dog now know that the market worldwide was so overinflated that a total cleansing process of brining prices back to real terms was needed.  I believe that they will only sell once the prices revert to pre 2004 prices.


I wont hold my breath for a sale but I will use cheaper avenues to sell it than what I have used up to date.

Thread: Property sales on the increase in Spain


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Last Updated: 6/11/2010 1:48:37 PM
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