03 Jul 2014 11:01 AM:
Thankyou all for your advice. The problem is he never goes out except to walk the dog for give minutes. The dog is part of the problem as I have lots of friends willing to dispatch him but what do I do with the dog even if he did go out long enough to change locks etc. I have thought about the electric but this is an old building and at the moment the water and electric is incorporated in the community fees as it used to be a hotel. We are getting individual meters but not until September soonest. What I really want to know is there any difference with eviction because he has no contract or paying rent as I invited him to stay in my tedious albeit only for two weeks. When we went to the Guardia one of the old guard said to just throw him out and change the locks but when I told him the Guardia who did the original denunciation for eviction had said it was against the law he checked with a younger Guardia who said the same thing and that if he called the police I could in theory be arrested. Hey agreed it was stupid but advised me to go the legal route which is going to take time and I have to put up with his insults whenever he sees me in the building.
I really need to know if a judge will treat it the same as if he did have a contract or will it be more difficult.
sorry for being so pessimistic but I am 70 years old with high blood pressure and am not sleeping because of this. Also although I have been told I will be appointed a lawyer my Spanish is not fluent enough for a court.
Thankyou all tho for your helpful imput
How do I stand with evicting someone who has no contract and does not pay rent.