31 Mar 2012 1:08 PM:
Just thought I would add my pennyworth.
We rented in Spain for 4 months over winter a couple of years ago. We enjoyed it, but although Spain is a wonderful country-and we still visit at least twice a year, we decided not as a permanent home.
My point is to just back up what has already been said. The best way to do your research, if you are thinking of settling permanently, is to do it in Spain, not in the UK. Also, its cheap, or at least quite a lot cheaper than renting is in the UK. Short term lets of 3 or more months are easily available, and you may be able to rent out your own house in the uk whilst living in Spain, which should more than cover the rent.
Also if you are a brit who is likely to want to be around other brits- dont move to the middle of the countryside! (some still do). Find an area where a lot of other brits live. For me, if we had gone for it, I would be thinking of a town, so that shops would be near and lots of other amenities-and oh yes brits. Although I am 55 so not ancient yet, I think we would also have to consider whether living in a rural area is a good option when we got into our late 70's say.
love spain