20 Oct 2017 3:49 PM:
Our president has been in place 4 years now and been living in Spain at least 6.
I have recently heard he has not registered to stay in Spain, still uses his UK ehic card etc.
Now this is not a personal issue, nor am I intending to make any details public and my info is 3rd party, not official.
I am only concerned if this would affect his President role and our protection as a comunity.
I do know for example that owners living in the UK and paying tax in the UK can still be President.
But ---
Should an insurance claim be made that relates to the president. Could the insurance company refuse a claim based on the fact he should not be here in Spain. (similar to an uninsured car on UK roads. It shouldn't be there!)
Should anybody persue a legal claim against the community (the president.is the one that gets sued). Could there be any legal implications that would put the comunity at risk.
I again stress, not trying to get anyone into trouble and my info is 3rd party, but I think it is right, we as a comunity know that our insurance and legal protection is still fully valid, with a non legal reisdent in the role of President.
The Comunity President May Not Be A Legal Resident