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JeffSears's latest forum comments

01 Dec 2018 2:07 PM:

Rights to UK benefits and NHS is residency based and not contribution based. 

So anybody residing in the UK is entitled to everything.

The UK could have changed its rules to be in line with Europe but succesive governments declined to do so.

Cynics might say that they were frightened of finding out exactly how many illegal immigrants are in the UK.

Thread: Should there be a second referendum?

01 Dec 2018 9:54 AM:

When there is a General Election the result is accepted even by the losers and a new Government is installed. If that Government fails to live up to its promises then at the next election people are able to express their view and elect an alternative Government if they so desire.

The problem with the Referendum is that the result has not been implemented and yet the losers want a re-run in the hope that they would win next time. If only we could have done that after the last Labour Government was elected which resulted in the destruction of the UK economy.

The farce of the proposed Withdrawal Agreement is that it means that we do not leave but remain shackled to and controlled by the EU, continung to fund them, yet having no say in what goes on. Only people who despise democracy could have come up with that solution.

Thread: Should there be a second referendum?

25 Sep 2016 9:10 PM:

The figures you enter on the 210 are not necessarily the same each year. Check the catastral value on your IBI invoice for the relevant year. This is the value to use when calculation the second home charge.

Thread: Modelo 210

01 Mar 2014 7:46 AM:

Don't forget the Plus Valia that the seller had to pay to the Ayuntamiento on the INCREASED value of the property. Gordon Brown and Ed Balls still have a lot to learn.


15 Feb 2014 12:41 PM:

Just like in should be in the UK and needing less administration.

But I wonder how many expats in Spain are making tax returns. I know many that are not and have no intention of doing so.

Thread: Spanish Climate


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