24 Jan 2013 1:25 AM:
If you want to use a TomTom (or other satnav) then you'll obviously need one with European maps! Also look for ones that wil use the RDC accessory cable which recieves traffic information as well as being the charger (saves getting the in car charger!)
If you shop around I think Arg*s has a promotion on the Start 60 with a huge 6 inch screen AND includes lifetime map upgrades for £130. The charger/receiver is on *bay for about £25 half the TomTom cost (just make sure you get the compatible usb fitting version!)
In France you aren't allowed to use it to find speed cameras but it does advise those locations as a safety feature. It also warns you of changes in speed limits, onscreen and audibly. I prefer it centrally on the dashboard, so it's just a quick flick as if using the rear view mirror and listen to the voice instructions AND relate them to the road layout ahead - DON'T just blindly follow as sometimes the number of turnings INCLUDES the one you're exiting!
You'll be in a UK registered car so most drivers are prepared for you to do things "differently" but if in doubt slow down and if you have to, "muscle in" a bit to force the other car to give way. Most do, albeit with a bit of gallic eexpression, and if they don't then you have to give way! No point in casuing an accident, but you have to be able to judge between assertiveness and use common sense. Most drivers seem to think one flick is sufficient for you to know they are changing lane and as a courtesy we generally indicate when we are pulling back in, to both the overtaking car and the one we have just overtaken. Many use cruise control so they only slowly edge up to you, so you need to judge whether to click down or up a notch or two so you can either pass a vehicle in front before he arrives or slow so he gets past before you need to brake.
Just ensure you pack it away out of sight to remove temptation when you stop. You should be fine, it really isn't arduous unless you head right into the heart of Paris or other major towns when you do need eyes in the back of your head!
Enjoy your trip!
Tomtom use in Spain ?