Lost Property Deposit In Spain Community
"This blog is a point of contact for those affected like me who trusted the Spanish legal conveyancing sytsem and got let down badly...very badly! I mean putting down a deposit for a property and then it not being built and the developer and bank just walking away with it! Sounds criminal doesn't it? Its gone on far too long but now we are seeing results...but its never too late so I created a social network for us to connect on. That was closed down so now I have a blog to update you on at the new website address of www.spanish-property-deposit-reclaim.blog"
Last Updated: 11/12/2017 11:52:16 AM
Lifetime Views: 5673
Property Deposit Reclaim In Spain
"I am one of the many people who put a deposit on an off plan property in Spain, only to find several years on that I had no property and a very tough fight on my hands to reclaim my deposit. I have joined together with others on the same development who are in a similar situation and together we are working with Spanish Lawyers to take appropriate legal action. Some of the group members simply don't want their property now because it was not what it was supposed to be in the first place (like facilities were not put in place that were promised at the time they paid their deposits). This blog gives snippets of our journey and presents some key lessons learnt. We hope for a positive outcome some day, in fact some have had their money back already! The rest of our group are now taking action. We have learnt a lot of lessons along the way as to how to get your money back (and avoid having the lawyer take most of it from you on success!)."
Last Updated: 11/12/2017 11:51:14 AM
Lifetime Views: 51769
Spanish Property Finders
"I came across Spanish Property Finders and Developers after going to Spain on many occasions chasing the return of my deposits on some failed off-plan developments. I found that you can get some good deals in Spain right now due to the adverse market conditions. I was representing our Action Group seeking the return of our deposit funds through Spanish Solicitors when I came across some spanish real estate deals that we could have only dreamed of when we put our deposits down on our off-plan properties. I asked the Action Group if anyone was still interested in buying in Spain and 25% of them said they were, especially since there are some good deals around right now. This blog gives some of the information I have been obtaining to pass on to our Action Group members."
Last Updated: 2/6/2013 10:14:49 PM
Lifetime Views: 40524