22 Jun 2013 11:31 PM:
Hi Denise,
I only mentioned Dr. Tullio Simoncini because it was at a small gathering of about 170 people who were present at a talk that he made on the Isle of Wight where David Icke lives and David gave the introduction for him and a presentation that was suppose to be about 10 minutes but turned into over an hour. This was the first time I had met with David on a one to one.
I also met and spoke to Tullio Simoncini at the same talk. He was very interesting as was David.
You can check him out here: Whoops, won't let me give you a web link = google him
He has a great book called, 'Cancer is a Fungus'. He cures cancer with Bi-Carbonate of Soda.
If you're interested in how to cure cancer you have to check out Rick Simpson too: .phoenix tears (won't let me give a web link = just google him)
There are many good researchers out there besides David Icke, although he is one of my favourites. Do you know of Max Igan? 'Check him out on Youtube: 'The Calling' & 'Awakening' etc. Greg Braden / Bruce Lipton / Eckhart Tolle / Terence McKenna and a great young guy who 'supposedly' committed suicide. Rick Clay / Danny Searle / Stewart Swerdlow/ Drunvalo Melchizedek / Dolores Cannon etc. etc. You can search all of these people on Youtube. Have you heard of any of them?
Are you into meditation? Are you aware with live in a holographic universe? Sorry about all the questions...I'm just trying to see what you are aware of.
Enjoy your weekend and keep in touch. If you would like to know more or you have any questions let me know.
I've attached the DI talk at this years Bilderberg meeting in Watford in case you haven't seen it yet.
Bilderberg Group: The Secret Rulers of the World