¿Quien es Loopyloo?

Send Loopyloo a private message

Soy... una mujer

Sobre mi... Bubbly, married and welsh

Vivo en... Fuengirola

Me gusta... Gym, socialising

Trabajo de... Anything

Mi firma en el foro es...

Loopy Loo

Loopyloo's latest forum comments

22 Apr 2010 8:19 PM:

sounds good, but what is their website address the info given is just to send them an email.

What are thier opening hours?


Thread: Dance Class/Keep Fit

22 Apr 2010 12:00 AM:

Does anyone know where I as a 40smth can join a dance class eg ceroc or keep fit in the vicinity of Fuengirola to Carvajal

Thread: Dance Class/Keep Fit

21 Apr 2010 5:21 PM:

I am already in Spain, in the Fuengirola area, can you recommend how we go about this ?

many thanks

Thread: Car Swop

21 Apr 2010 12:00 AM:

I have a Rav4 2002 british plate which I am looking to swop for any spanish car. (good condition)

If you are leaving Spain and have a car you may want to swop over let me know via this thread to start.


Thread: Car Swop

31 Jan 2009 9:32 PM:


I am now living in Spain on the cost del sol is anyone going back to the UK and would like to swop their spanish plated car for a 2002 Toyota Rav4?


Thread: Car exchange


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Loopyloo' blogs

The journey to Spain
"Moving from S.Wales, Uk to Costa del Sol. Leaving home, friends, family, pets and children ! Setting up our own cafe/bar."
Last Updated: 7/24/2008 11:39:50 AM
Lifetime Views: 6496

Loopyloo's rentals

Loopyloo's properties for sale

Spain insurance services

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