10 Jul 2010 8:39 PM:
E A S are a scam. They do not even print their address on the web page which should set alarm bells ringing. There has been various posts on this company over the last 2 years with advice to avoid them like the plague. Google their web page and see for yourself it looks like a 4 year old has produced it. Another tip is google their full name and then add 'forums' you will soon see what others are saying about them!!! DO NOT TOUCH WITH A BARGE POLE.
One of the other interesting things about companies like this is that as soon as you email them your name and telephone number you will be inundated with 'offers of help' form all four corners of the world. It is a fact that once a company like this have your details they then sell in onto other 'companies' who thing you are vulnerable or desperate.....
European Advisory Service