¿Quien es Mailpoint_Dave?

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Soy... un hombre

Vivo en... Algorfa

Me gusta... reading, walking, sport - especially rugby

Trabajo de... Owner of Mailpoint - IT/ postal / cards etc

Mi firma en el foro es...

Dave Mailpoint - Algorfa www.mailpoint.es

Mailpoint_Dave's latest forum comments

28 Aug 2013 7:43 AM:

I thought that 2 months rent was normal. Then when you give notice, min 1 month, you don't actually pay the last month. So effective only 1 month deposit. Could this be what happened with MW friends?


18 Aug 2013 11:07 AM:

Hi Kerry

Depending where you live

1.  Never ever, you do not want this. It is very high risk.

2. Only when pre arranged and still high risk.

3. Many couriers use e-mail but this is automatic and then you phone. As kathyslad said should be OK

4. Most need a phone call, however I have known them try again same day.

best option find a local store, usually internet and post, who may accept it for a small fee. They open most days, and unlike neighbours and friends, do not play golf/ walk, visit doctors and hospitals or simply pop out for a coffee.

The couriers are very good and helpful.


Thread: question re delivery of items via amazon es if not home at the time

17 Feb 2013 9:44 AM:


here is a tip for you and I do not regularly post.

Just come here, rent for 3/6 months then move for another 3/6 months. Use furnished accomodation. Walk the area, try the bars and restaurants, find out how it is on weekends and at night. Talk to people, everyone you meet will have an opinion. Check out the amenties, check out what might happen - rubbish tips etc have to be somewhere!

The answers to all of your lengthy list will become clear and more accurate as you will have first hand experience. Treat is as an adventure.

There is very little work here, be very clear that the unemployment rates are NOT made up. It is real and it is bad.

It is a great place to live and work, climate, people and lifestyle - for me- are hard to beat.

Please do not plan it to death, it will go wrong - in spades. Just read some of the brilliant blogs here.


Good Luck.


Thread: Moving On


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"I will write about computing old and new and endeavor to keep it interesting. However as IT invades our lives then do not be surprised by my digression to rugby and anything else that takes my fancy "
Last Updated: 1/13/2015 4:45:09 PM
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