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31 Jul 2008 5:56 PM:

Why do some of you refer to Residencia in the UK? There is no such thing. Have any of you read my last post? This situation is for real and it is happening right now, I am in Spain permanently now.

You all seem to think that a Residencia certificate gives you some kind of Citizens Right in Spain but all it is basically is a peice of paper which states that you have registered as a foreigner in Spain.

Why do you all seem to think that is has any relevence to your status in the UK because it does not. The decree which came into force in March 2007 states quite clearly that if you reside in Spain for more than 3 months, you must register i.e. get a Residencia Certificate.

This is not an option, it is the law and the Guardia are really cracking down on it, particularly in Andalucia. Yes if you get stopped for not wearing a seatbelt you will be asked to produce your residencia certificate. If you do not have one you wil have to prove by way of airline, ferry, or any other form of ticket or document there and then that you have not been or do not intend to be in Spain for more than 3 months. If you have no proof, expect to be taken into custody. The fact that you were not wearing a seatbelt will fall into insignificance.

There are many people that are in Spain for more then 3 months but don't want to register and get a residencia certificate. By involving the banks as well as the padron and the residencia certificate or NIE number, it is another way of the Junta cracking down on the estimated millions of people who are flaunting the system.

A friend of mine went into her bank this morning and they claimed to know nothing about this, but she subsequently received a phone call from the bank saying that they were in the process of complying with the new law which came out in May and eventually all customers would be notified.

Remember in Spain, when a law is passed things don't necessarily happen straight away. Some banks have started sending letters to their customers, others have not. However, you must all realise that as from 31st July, i.e. 60 days from when the law came into effect, the Guardia can, without your knowledge freeze your bank account if you have a non-resident account and have not registered with them (the Guardia) to this effect.

It has nothing to do with the banks, the old proceedure of certification every 2 years was superceded in May 2008.

Good luck to all of you who decide to take no action.


Thread: non resident bank account

31 Jul 2008 1:06 PM:

Hi everyone, yes it is abolutely correct, I have received a letter from my bank (Caja Murcia) and been in to see them to clarify, I have also confirmed that all banks in Spain will be advising all their customers of the following:-

If you have a non resident account, you have 60 days to take a form to the police to register as a non-resident, this form once stamped by the police must be returned to the bank. Beware, if you are on the padron or are going to be in Spain for more than 3 months, you are breaking the law if you don't have a Residencia Certificate. The police now have a computer system linked to the padron information NIE/Residencia infomation and it is indeed the police that have the power to immediately freeze your bank account. if you do not declare yourself as a non-resident. It is no longer the bank's bi-yearly responsibility. Your account will be frozen, exactly as it would be frozen by the police should you die in Spain.

Don't think that because you have been over here for 20 years it does not apply to you, because it does.

Remember, if you are registered on the padron and you get queried by the police and you cannot prove that you have ben in Spain for less than 3 months, you may well get locked up, as well as your bank account being frozen.

So, if you are non-resident but over in Spain for more than 3 months, get a Residencia Certificate and change your bank account changed to "resident".

Thread: non resident bank account


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