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05 Mar 2023 10:18 PM:


An accurate summary of the rules and plans for pre-departure clearance systems in the EU and UK aligning with the US systems.

On arrival, border control officers can ask any questions they think reasonable about a persons travel from their place(s) of origin and their stay in the country in which they arrve. This include length of stay, return arrangements, where they are staying and the money they have.

Also possesion of a valid visa does not mean right of entry, that can be denied on arrival.

In practice, arriving in Spain as a family on Holiday will mean a look and a stamp in your passport, others may get closer questioning, in some cases a refusal.

The pre-entry clearing will be a minor inconvenience at a small cost for the emajority of people. 

A visitor to the UK has permission to stay for 6 months. Where a visa vignette (or electronic visa) has been granted before travel, multiple entries in the period of validity of the visa can be made. In theory the 180/365 rule applies.



This message was last edited by MikeandHelen on 3/5/2023.
Thread: Spain to apply to the EU for the abolition of the 90 / 180 rule for British citizens

25 Nov 2022 6:48 PM:

Click on the spam tab on your posting 


Thread: Spam

16 Aug 2022 10:24 PM:

Los Alcazares and area seemed quiet dirung the day but the usual number of people in the Ave Del Rio Nalon Square / Strip in the evening.

Flight prices from the airlines did not indicate that they were full. For many visitors in the outlying areas a car is essential and car hire costs 3/4 months ago were excessive, 1,500 Euros for a mid size car for 2 weeks.

WE hd 2 cars for the six of us with different dates, booked through do you Spain from the initial booking 6 weeks ahead to a week before I saved 200 euros by cancelling then being re-directed to the current tarrifs for the same car with the same company.

The other car through rental cars was for 2 weeks and initally I was looking at £700 but ended up with a car for 2 weeks for £370. This was a plug in hybryd Kia Ceed which was plugged in when at home, did over 770 Kms on 17.48 euros of petrol, minimal electricity costs.

Now car hire costs are back to normal rates, maybe the villa/apartment rental market will improve.


Thread: Lack of British holiday makers on the Costas

21 Dec 2021 12:06 AM:


I do know what IBI is, Local Council tax. This must be paid.


The discussion is about Non Resident Tax and Rental Income Tax..

Thread: Non res tax- ouch!!

20 Dec 2021 9:43 PM:


Thank you for your explanation which sticks to the facts and doesn't get clouded by complainers.

Simply if it's not your main residence, and you let it out, you have to pay a tax based on the rental income.  I

f it's not let out you have to pay Non Resident Tax which actually means 'not occupied' and this also applies to Spanish nationals who have holiday homes.



Thread: Non res tax- ouch!!


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